Portfolio Management

The international money and capital markets present both opportunities and risks capable of reversing the investors’ plans and future desires. The company’s professional management aims to exploit these opportunities, while mitigating the risk level of the clients’ portfolios through modern management tools and autonomous procedures offering maximum flexibility.

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Credit Risk

The company provides its clients with margin and derivative negotiations. In order to manage credit risk, the company follows the following principles:

  • Creation of a controlled credit risk environment
  • Operation under safe procedures
  • Maintainance of a proper credit line through measurement and surveillance procedures, and
  • Assurance that adequate credit risk controls.
  • These methods are applied in combination with safety practices, associated with the asset quality, the adequacy of reserves, the estimates and disclosure of credit risk.

For the successful management of risks arising from margin negotiation, portfolios are evaluated on a daily basis and margin alerts are cleared within three days, according to Law 2843/2000. The negotiation is undertaken by the company in cooperation with Eurobank.

Additionally, the capital of clients, who are active in derivatives, must be 30% higher than the margin required by the ASE for all derivative transactions.

  • Credit risk management includes:
  • Preparing a particular administrative line and individual departmental policies, methods and procedures, which ensure the required risk assessment, in cooperation with financial consultants when necessary.
  • Ensuring that all the Company's employees have the required know-how and are prepared to implement similar practices, and
  • Reporting periodically to the CEO and the Board of Directors, in order to ensure proactive risk management.
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