Portfolio Management

The international money and capital markets present both opportunities and risks capable of reversing the investors’ plans and future desires. The company’s professional management aims to exploit these opportunities, while mitigating the risk level of the clients’ portfolios through modern management tools and autonomous procedures offering maximum flexibility.

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Guarantee Fund

Investors’ protection and preservation of their trust in the financial system are of great importance for the orderly functioning of the internal European market. Within this context, Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and the Council dated on 3rd March 1997 determined that for this purpose, it is essential that each Member State has one or more investor compensation schemes to ensure a minimum harmonised level of protection, at least among small investors, in case a company fails to fulfil its obligations towards the investing clients.

The extremely important mission of protecting investors, that is of their compensation, has been undertaken by the “Athens Stock Exchange Members’ Guarantee Fund" (distinctive title "Guarantee Fund") in our country since 1997.

The "Guarantee Fund" compensates investors for investment services provided to them by Investment Services Providers (I.S.P.), namely:

  • Investment Service Providers Societe Anonymes (I.S.P.SAs) - members of the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE)
  • Credit institutions, licensed to provide investment services - members of ASE, that participate in the Guarantee Fund
  • Investment Service Providers Societe Anonymes - non members of ASE
  • Mutual Fund Management Societe Anonymes (M.F.M.SAs) that are licensed and provide services as laid down in Article 4 par. 2 of Law 3283/2004 - non members of ASE. 

The abovementioned companies are licensed in terms of the services that they provide; they are supervised by the competent Supervisory Authorities and pay their contributions to the "Athens Stock Exchange Members’ Guarantee Fund”, in accordance to the provisions specified in article 71 of Law 2533/1997, as in force.

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