Athens Stock Exchange Group
“Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX GROUP)” is a Group of companies supporting the organisation and function of the Greek capital market. The Group and its subsidiaries operate the organised securities and derivatives markets, carry out the clearing and settlement of transactions, supply complete IT solutions to the Greek capital market and promote the development of the stock market education in our country.
Cyprus Stock Exchange
The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) started its activity as a legal entity in the form of a public company on 29 March 1996, pursuant to the Cyprus Securities and Stock Exchange Laws and Regulations, which were passed by the House of Representatives in 1993 and 1995, respectively. The Cyprus Stock Exchange has been operating since the end of 2006 in a joint platform with ASE.
Eurex is a German derivatives exchange that offers more than 1,900 products covering all the basic and alternative categories of investment groups.
“The Athens Stock Exchange Members’ Guarantee Fund" constitutes a private legal entity; it has been set up under Greek legislative decree 3078/54 and is now governed by the provisions of the Articles 61-78 of the Law 2533/97 (Greek Government Gazette 228 A/11.11.97) - according to which the current "Common Guarantee Fund of Stock Market transactions Safety" that is based on the Greek legislative decree 3078/54, was restructured and renamed as “The Athens Stock Exchange Members’ Guarantee Fund” (without however any changes being made to the purpose of its existence and operation).
The legislation governing the operation of the "Guarantee Fund" is adapted to the provisions of the Directive No. 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council dated on 3/3/1997 concerning the investors’ compensation schemes.
The "Guarantee Fund" is a non-profit, private legal entity that intends to provide reassurance and is supervised by the Capital Market Commission, which also appoints the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Finally, the Athens Stock Exchange Members’ Guarantee Fund is an affiliate member of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
The Capital Market Commission was founded as a public entity under the provisions of Law 1969/91 and was organised according to Law 2324/1995, for the purpose of protecting investors and ensuring the smooth operation of the Greek capital market, which is an important force for the development of the national economy. The Management and staff of the Capital Market Commission feature, from the European and Greek legislative framework, guarantees of functional and personal independence in order to carry out their duties.
The "Association of Members of the Athens Exchanges" is a non-profit organisation, whose members may be all securities companies and banks, which are also members of the Athens Stock Exchange, both in the securities market and in the derivatives market.
The "Association of Members of the Athens Exchanges" was established in 1988 with 23 founding members and included all the brokers of the time.
The Association’s aim and task is to advise the authorities along with the other statutory bodies of the Greek capital market and to transfer to the Supervisory Bodies of the capital market (Ministry of National Economy and Capital Market Commission), the views and concerns of the people who are involved in the stock market and to implement the legislation and decisions of the abovementioned bodies in practice, and therefore have direct knowledge of the impact, as well as the problems they create.